Saturday 31 October 2009


Since the steel skeleton of the Wembley Academy has gone up there has  been a lot of chat amongst locals about its size, as it begins to tower above Bridge Road.  Many think it is bigger, both in terms of height and in the amount of the site it covers, than they expected from the plans and visualisations they saw during the consultation.

Visualisations and artists' impressions can be notoriously misleading.  Figures and lamp posts are often added to give some idea of proportion but is still hard to guage actual size. The tall part of the building at the junction of Bridge Road and Forty Lane is jammed right up against the trees of the SLINC (Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation)  in the corner.

The size of that part of the building which is adjacent to Forty Lane can be seen from this photograph, remember there is also the lower building on Bridge Road.

Similar issues have arisen with the Brent Cross Development where developers have used illustrations which minimise how out of scale the development is with surrounding housing.  The Coalition for a Sustainable Brent Cross Cricklewood Redevlopment have published illustrations which give a different impression on their website

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